
Diet Planning

A best diet Plan offer for every clints, According to their need and health condition . different type of diet plan available like high Protein Diet Mediterranean diet, DASH diet, Intermittent fasting, Low carb diets etc.

weight Managment

Most weight management techniques encompass long-term lifestyle strategies that promote healthy eating and daily physical activity. Dietitian Shuchi offer best diet and lifestyle to manage Weight.

Diabetic management

Dietitian Shuchi Have well experience in managing type 1 and Type 2 diabetic, to manage diabetic she Provide personal Diet Plan and better lifestyle advice, by these things many of Clints get benefits for their health.

Hypertension management

Hypertension management by managing and maintaining body weight and Healthy lifestyle lifestyle manage all these things are manage special kind of diet plan like dash diet plan .


Some most asked question

-What is the best diet Plan for high BP ?
DASH diet plan is the best diet for hypertension Patients or high blood pressure patients.

-What is the best way to lose weight?
Little modification on diet and lifestyle , definitely help you to lose weigh but you have to know that there is every health condition have a special diet plan.

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